Rahim Moloo is an attorney in the International Arbitration Group at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in New York where his practice focuses on international commercial arbitration, investor-state disputes, structuring of foreign investments, and matters implicating international law. Rahim has appeared as counsel in arbitrations under a variety of rules, including ICSID, ICC, and UNCITRAL, and across a wide range of sectors, including oil and gas, mining, infrastructure, telecommunications and financial services. Rahim has also appeared as counsel before U.S. and Canadian courts. Concurrently, Rahim is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Law School, and has published extensively on matters relating to international arbitration and international law. Rahim has degrees from Queen’s University, the University of British Columbia (UBC) and NYU School of Law, and has held fellowships at the University of Cambridge and Columbia University. He graduated from NYU as the All-University Valedictorian and has received UBC’s Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Full Profile
Rahim Moloo
Lecturer in Law